The Good Shepherd
Sermon Discussion Questions
For the Week of March 28, 2021
Sermon Information:
The Good Shepherd
John 10:11-30
The Character of the Good Shepherd
Sacrificial love
The Activity of the Good Shepherd
He pursues
He protects
The Call to the Sheep
Hear His voice and follow Him
Discussion Questions:
This is a week where focus on the sacrificial love of Jesus. What is something you can specifically do to remind yourself of the Shepherd’s ongoing love for you?
Can you think of a time when it was clear that God was pursuing you? Maybe it is when you first trusted in Jesus or another time when you needed to be called back to Him.
Pastor Ben mentioned the doctrine of the security of the believer. What questions or thoughts do you have concerning this doctrine? Read John 6:37-39, Ephesians 1:13-14, Philippians 1:6, and 1 Peter 1:3-5 and discuss how these verses contribute to this doctrine. Do other verses come to mind?
How much time do you think you spend listening to God’s voice? Do you feel like you know the voice of the Shepherd and can distinguish it from other voices? What can you do this week to hear God’s voice?
Pastor Ben said that we are supposed to be like shepherds who point others to the Good Shepherd. Are you doing that? Is there a “lost sheep” that God is calling you to reach out to? How could you improve in the area of making disciples?