Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19

We believe that God's mission for the Church is the most important in the world and everything we do should reflect the immeasurable value of that mission. We choose partnerships that are strategic in how they make disciples within the Bay Area. We love our city and are so expectant of how God will use our partners and our church to bring redemption to so many!
SERVing THE CITY & The Bay Area
Alpha Pregnancy Center
Because Justice Matters
Foster the Bay
International Students Inc.
Calen & Sheryl Thomas |
YWAM Nations2Nations SF
Wilfred & Carolina S. | ywamn2nsanfrancisco.org

We believe in working with those who have a heart to share the Gospel throughout the world.
We engage in true partnerships that reach beyond borders and work in areas where
Jesus has yet to be proclaimed. For more than 160 years, FirstSF has been a church
that has sent out many to proclaim the Gospel in some of the hardest places on earth.
We look forward to sending more as we seek to join God in His work.
We engage in true partnerships that reach beyond borders and work in areas where
Jesus has yet to be proclaimed. For more than 160 years, FirstSF has been a church
that has sent out many to proclaim the Gospel in some of the hardest places on earth.
We look forward to sending more as we seek to join God in His work.
Please click below if you would like more information on how you can get connected to our partner ministry leaders.