Turning Over Tables and Overcoming Obstacles

Apr 11, 2022    Dr. Ben Day, Senior Pastor

On the Monday following Palm Sunday, Jesus is found in the Temple. Here we get the famous account of Jesus “turning over tables”. At first glance, it may seem as if Jesus is simply overreacting in a fit of rage, then excusing it in the name of God. However, this is far from the toddler-like tantrums we often see all over social media, justified in the name of “righteous anger.” Jesus’ cleansing of the Temple prepared the way for what he was about to do at the Cross. In driving out the money changers and merchants, he was removing all barriers that prevented people - especially the poor and outcast - from access to God at his Temple. This brief instance is a reminder that Easter accomplishes our salvation by removing every barrier between us and God, and has given us unfettered access to a redeeming relationship with him.

-Give thanks that the work of Jesus has removed every barrier between us and God, and welcomes us to come to Him to find our life and filling (cf. Isaiah 55:1).
-Pray over any barriers you may still feel between you and God. Whether it be self imposed expectations, your own sin, or even other Christians’ negative examples, pray that the Spirit would comfort you with the spiritual reality of Christ’s love and acceptance towards you.
-Pray for the “outcasts” or those whom you know are far off from God. Pray that the obstacles preventing them from exploring Christianity and faith in Jesus would be removed. In your prayers, consider how God wants to use you specifically to remove those barriers in their lives.