The King in the Silence

Apr 16, 2022    Dr. Ben Day, Senior Pastor

Holy Saturday is not usually a day we think of “celebrating”. It’s the day Jesus lay dead in the tomb, the day the disciples went home after walking through three exciting and enlightening years with their Lord. Then He was not. But on this day that was likely filled with confusion and depression for the disciples, Jesus was accomplishing something unseen, something hidden. Though all seemed lost above the earth, under the earth, Jesus was proclaiming his victory over death to all who had gone before him - both righteous and unrighteous. Though most of our emphasis as a modern church tends to fall on Good Friday and Easter Sunday, the silence of Holy Saturday reminds us of the silent work that Jesus accomplished - and is still accomplishing - behind the veil. We may feel as if God is absent in the midst of our suffering and spiritual, or even physical, death. But Holy Saturday gives us hope; though we may not see Him working now, we know He is with us in the midst of suffering and death.

-Voice a prayer of lament over any of the suffering or death you or those around you are currently walking through. Be so bold as to express your confusion and depression to God as the disciples must have felt.
-Pray that in the midst of this suffering and felt silence from God that you would be comforted in the Spirit and reminded of Jesus’ presence, Immanuel, with you. Pray for a hope that extends beyond the seen and known present.
-Consider those who are suffering around you today and how you might be a tangible representation of Jesus’ presence to them. Pray for them to find hope in the Lord who is triumphant over suffering and death, and seek to share that hope with them today.