God’s Sovereign Goodness on a Day of Injustice

Apr 13, 2022    Dr. Ben Day, Senior Pastor

On the Wednesday of Holy Week, we are told little about the events surrounding Jesus, except that the plan of betrayal was put into motion by the chief priests, scribes, and Judas. It’s a bit jarring to think during this week leading up to Passover - a week filled with the remembrance of Israel’s exile, the atonement of the sacrificial lamb, and God’s redemption of his people - that the leaders of Israel had murder on their minds. Instead of being filled with gratitude for God’s supernatural salvation, they were filled with resentment towards this Prophet of God. Imagine if our Pastors of FirstSF were plotting to frame and murder one of our Deacons just days before Easter! But even this heinous act of sin was done under the umbrella of God’s sovereignty. In our own sin, we are led to remember the grace of Christ that extends without running dry. We are also reminded that no matter the evil or injustice we experience today, the Cross is a monument to show God’s good, sovereign purpose through even the worst of circumstances.

-Spend some time examining your heart and where you might be filled less with gratitude toward God, and more with anger, bitterness, lust, and the like toward your neighbor. Confess your sins and find comfort in the Cross that is both the result and the answer to the problem of our sin.
-The Cross invites us to cry out against evil and injustice around us. Pray for circumstances in your life and the world around you, pleading with God for his justice, but also to seek comfort and rest in his sovereignty and goodness.
-Pray for those in your life who are burdened by the sin and evil in the world - whether their own sin that weighs on their minds, or the sin in the world that angers their hearts. Pray that they would come to know the comfort of the Cross, and that God would give you the boldness to speak that comfort to them this week.