Rejoicing In Knowing Christ

Jun 13, 2021    Dr. Ben Day, Senior Pastor    Philippians 3:1 11

Sermon Discussion Questions
For the Week of June 13, 2021

Sermon Information:

Rejoicing in Knowing Christ
Philippians 3:1-11

When it comes to pursuing joy, there are two options:
We can place our confidence in ourselves.
We can place our confidence in knowing Christ.

Discussion Questions:

1) What are the most common ways that people in the church tend to put their confidence in themselves? What are the ways people outside the church tend to put their confidence in themselves? In which areas are you most tempted?

2) Read Philippians 3:3. What are the three marks of a Christian listed in this verse? Read John 4:23, 1 Corinthians 1:27-31, and Galatians 6:14. Discuss how these verses speak to the three marks that we see in Philippians 3:3.

3) Do you ever approach Christianity as an “addition” to your life? Or think of following Jesus as one of many things that you’re called to do? What’s the danger of this way of thinking? What can you do to reset your thinking on a regular basis?

4) What are the different types of sufferings that we face as Christians? How does suffering enable us to know Christ better?

5) These are the words on William Borden’s tombstone: “Apart from faith in Christ, there is no explanation for such a life.” Would people say that about your life? What changes might God be calling you to make so that others could see your faith in Christ more clearly?